Giovanni Hernandez
Education Director
My name is Giovanni Hernandez and I am from East Oakland and am a first-generation student currently attending American University in Washington D.C. I was raised by my incredible, hard-working parents, who raised me to be a hard-working, dedicated, and driven individual. My parents taught me the importance of being a part of my community. Living in East Oakland showed me the problems that people live through daily, it showed me the challenges my community face. Looking at the problems made me want to contribute to the discussion. I wanted to give back to my community, to the place that influenced who I am, my community, my home.
At 16 years old I had the honor of serving as a Commissioner and Chairperson for the City of Oakland Youth Advisory Commission representing District 7. Serving as a Commissioner was a unique experience that further deepened my passion and love for Oakland. Seeing the challenges people faced and the strength of people to push on and work hard made me discover my passion for wanting to support my community.
My experience, determination, hard work, and my love for my community has made me driven to pursue a life of advocating for young people, advocating for those who are underrepresented, fighting for a voice at the table, continuing to give back to my community.