Jonah Gottlieb
Executive Youth Director & Co-Founder
Jonah Gottlieb, a 17-year old from Petaluma, California, is a rising senior at Credo High School.
Though always interested in politics and activism, Jonah became involved in the climate movement after he experienced the fires that decimated much of Sonoma County, California, in the fall of 2017. He is particularly concerned with the tangible effects of natural disasters exacerbated by anthropogenic climate change on students and young people, such as housing insecurity, lung health, mental health issues, impact on education, and much more. He has also worked with his Congressman Mike Thompson (Chairman of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force), March For Our Lives, and the Brady Campaign to create a gun violence-free country for all students and Americans.
As a captain for One Planet Living, Jonah works to create a world in which it is easy, attractive and affordable for all to enjoy happy, healthy lives within the natural limits of our planet. He particularly focuses on the principle of equity and local economy, striving to make sustainability inclusive to people of all socioeconomic backgrounds. Knowing that many of the issues he fights for disproportionately impact people of color, women, LGBTQ+ people, religious and ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, and other traditionally disenfranchised groups, Jonah works to make sure his activism is intersectional and all perspectives are represented in The National Children’s Campaign.
Jonah is the Co-Founder and President of Global Awareness, an organization aimed at increasing youth political involvement and educating the next generation of American voters. He is the treasurer of his school’s student council and the Digital Media Intern for Rep. Thompson. Jonah also plays for his school’s varsity soccer team and is both an actor, technician, and stage manager in his school’s theater program. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with friends and in nature, reading, and rewatching Barack Obama’s speech from the 2004 Democratic National Convention.